Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Excessive licking in boston terrier; valerian herbs for anxious dogs ;

Excessive licking in boston terrier; valerian herbs for anxious dogs ;

19 15:24:24

My 3 year boston terrier licks everything; people, sheets, couches until they are wet.  Almost like she is in a spell and can't contol herself.  Do you have a magic potion or spell to break this habit????  I'm desperate.

thank you.

How is your Boston Terrier doing now?  Did you try any of my suggestions?
Boston Terrier with excessive licking - Have you given the Valerian herb a try yet?
Let me know if you need more help:
Marie Peppers LPN MA
of ASK the Pet Nurse

Boston Terrier with OCD and excessive licking:  let me know if you try the Valerian?
Hi Claudette, Sounds like some OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder - related to anxiety or even allergies..  I have a few ideas that may work.  They are all natural supplements you can try.
VERY safe and works great on OCD doggies ....
Make sure you give all supplements time to work - they kick in around 2-3 weeks.

1.  Time release Valerian- Wonderful herb - give daily - see here:
try Valerian time release-
*very safe and may take the Edge off her anxiety...

** Valerian Root works great for car rides/ trips or just general anxiety issues.

Here is the dosage for a Boston sized dog:

YOU should see no side effects with this dosage:

Valerian -  ( give 1 in the am , daily / time release- see link:

OR, you can give 1 (1 hr prior to a car ride ) ....REDUCES STRESS


Valerian, Time-Release [Nervous]. This herb has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance restful sleep are known to millions the world over. Valerian is not known to cause morning grogginess -  Many dogs take Valerian, too.

ALSO - Don't forget a good Natural Supplement:
Vitamins for dogs - NO junk fillers - all Quality
Holistic and safe:  Fights the allergies...

ONE NuVET Vitamins Supplement per day - MOST of my clients / 1000s of them take NuVET Long Term.....

Keeps the VET AWAY-  Excellent for all the body systems !
Tell them Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse sent you...
use order code 81098 so that we can keep in touch ...

I sure hope the Valerian works - The Nature's Sunshine products are FRESH to your door and quality .... can't beat that!
YOU can find Nature's Sunshine at many local health food stores or on-line...
NuVET is not sold in pet stores..

Marie Peppers