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training my adult boston terrier

19 15:24:08

QUESTION: my adult boston rescue is not completely housebroken. She was 11 months when I adopted her.  She was kept in a crate for those 11 months, she knew little when I adopted her but Roxie and I have performed miracles.I have had her for 3 years. She spins constantly and I have difficulty understanding what she wants.  She often tells me she has to go out but sometimes urinates in the house without any warning. I can't always read her.  I also think she may ask and when I don't respond she will just "go". She spins for everything, toy, food, play etc.  My local pet store suggests that I bell train her so I will better understand her.  Have you any suggestions.  I have had many dogs, never one with a housebreaking problem.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Wonderful that you adopted this Boston Girl!  I wonder if she way spayed very young and has some homonal issues?  Many times they can have a weak bladder because of an early spay.
Have you talked to the vet about this?  Also, she could have a low grade UTI - some females have very slight urinary infections that make them have accidents.

As for the potty training - BELL method : yes, very good idea -

Would you like to start her on a few supplements for bladder health?

Here are a few suggestions:

Cranberry choices: see here:
Pick one:

NEXT - let's get some Cranberry Plus into this kid:  

This is from Revival Animal health - mixed into the dog food each day...

If you would rather take a pill form- see here:

Nature's Sunshine - give 1 per day: very safe


Next -

** NUVET will help with all the Body's systems and helps to maintain kidney health.
NuVET is the Number 1 pet vitamin and healer in the USA -
It is much more than just a vitamin / it is an Immune system booster.
Please give her 1 NuVET Per day - LONG term:

I have had Excellent luck with my clients that take NuVET each day:
The cost is about .60 cents per day-
Here is the ordering link:
Call 1-800-474-7044 and tell them Order code 81098/ please tell them
Marie sent you from the All Experts...

The small bottle is  $39.00 ( 60 count for 2 months)
The Med. bottle of NuVET Wafers is   $55.00 ( 90 count for 3 months)

Keep ME posted !

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Roxie was spayed @ 11 months when I adopted her.  She also has had several urinalysis done.  Would a low grade UTI show up in a regular urinalysis?

I will try the cranberry and see if it helps.

This dog is very bright.  It is bewildering to me as to why she will not housebreak completely.  I have been told that she is A.D.D. could this be a reason as well?  

Hi again,  A.D.D. can play a role in this potty problem - I am not a behavior expert at all - I mainly deal with health and diet problems in dogs and cats.
Glad you are going to try the supplements.

You can go to our Dog behavior experts here, at the allexperts site:  SEE if they can  help???
I believe we have at least 6 experts in that area of A.D.D. and behaviors.

Boy, I wish that I could help more!

Let me know how it goes with the supplements - give them a good 3 weeks to kick in.

Marie Peppers LPN MA