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dewclaw injury

19 15:33:14

I know this question is off the subject that you list but our 3 yr old boston terrier broke one of his dewclaws about a week ago. My husband has been bandaging his paw with gause and tape and just recently, his dewclaw turned around and is now facing toward his body. Should we take him to a vet or let ot fall off? We have no clue what to do in this matter.

Hi Kaitlan,

First off, is it bleeding? If so, and it is still bleeding. then you should go to the vet. Bandaging can be harmful because it can trap moisture and cause infection. Since the dewclaw has turned, it is pretty well on its way to falling out. Does it seem to hurt him? If so, then the nerve is still attached and it will not just fall out, you'll want to go to the vet. If not, then I would leave off the bandage and it will just drop out in a day or so. Hope this helps....Lisa