Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > when does a pigeon start comming back home?

when does a pigeon start comming back home?

23 10:44:52

i keep pigeons{not homing ones more like tipplers} after i kept them for 1 month i left them sometimes they would come back then they stopped how long do i have to keep them for till they start coming back?even if they come back they sit around the loft and they don't go in

Hi, Vidur,

You haven't provided enough information for someone to answer your questions.  A person answering your questions would need to know how old these birds are, what type of housing setup you have, are you turning these birds loose some distance away from their home and expecting them to return to home or are you just letting them outside their loft, were these birds born at their current home or somewhere else, and as many other details as possible.

Not all pigeons are homing pigeons.  You also have to train birds to home...they don't just home without being trained to know where home is.  Pigeons that home home to the place they were born.  If you received/bought these birds elsewhere and brought them to their current home, some may return and some may not but, either way, it takes much time (different for each bird) before you can let them loose and expect them to come home, usually much longer than 1 month.  You have to teach birds how to go in their loft when they return...this isn't something that is instinctive.  Most pigeons love to fly so they will stay outside their loft as much as possible.  Also, a bird has to love its home for it to return and go in.
