Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > White Pigeon

White Pigeon

23 10:45:08

Last month a all white pigeon started hanging out under our bird feeder. It seems to have little or no
fear of humans and just kind of mills about looking for food. It will follow us into our garage waiting
for a handout. I do not think it can fend for itself at all. Is there any way to provide him with shelter
and protection from predators while also allowing him out to fly around?  We have to keep him
outdoors and a large cage is out of the question. Thanks.

Hi Paul,

Well, maybe you can provide him with a safe place to roost at night away  from predators. I don't really know what else to suggest as you don't want to keep him in a large cage. I know most people don't like pigeons in their garage, but if you can provide him something like that to feel safe in and to make an escape from predators while still being able to fly outside, that would be great. Let me know how it goes.
