Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Breeding my White Homing Pigeons

Breeding my White Homing Pigeons

23 10:45:17

I want to know if i am doing something wrong or I am just impatient. I own a pair of White Homing pigeons, i have had them now for a month and a day. I am positive they are male and female because i have seen them mate like 6 times since i had them. i really want my female to nest but she shows no sign of wanting to. They have a very good size cage and stretching their wings is not a problem they have four nesting boxes above their heads and i provide nesting materials i throw a good much on the floor in the cage. I don't know if this is where i went wrong but i built a nest of my own and i placed it in 1 of the 4 nesting boxes. When they want to sleep they fly up to the nesting area and they randomize in their box choosing(as i said we provided 4 of them). I took the nest i built down but when i had it up sometimes the male flies to the box with the nest and just walks around flinging it about i assume looking for food, and sometimes he would lay in the nest one day and the next day he would just fly at the edge of the box and would just go to sleep like normal and completely ignores that there is a nest in there and the female does the same thing. I don't know if i need more than a month to wait but i feed them and give them fresh water everyday. they had just mated again two days ago. they just mate and mate again and no nesting. Please can you tell me if i am doing something wrong or if im just impatient, and if its not to much can you also tell me what are signs that they are in the nesting process.

Hi Jason,

I think your pigeons should be settling in by now. Really, they choose where they want to nest. It is great that you have provided many options for them, but in the end, they might decide to nest on the floor! It is also great that you have provided nesting materials for them when they do decide to nest. If they have been mating as much as you have described, I would expect them to have nested and laid a clutch by now. Of course there might be fertility problems with the female or perhaps she does not feel comfortable yet to build a nest and lay eggs. Also, you might actually have two males as I have seen them mate with each other if there are no hens available. For now, I would just be patient. If they are getting ready to nest, you will see the hen sitting in one position, probably fixing the nesting material to her liking while the males gathers the supplies with his beak. Hopefully they will do this soon! Also, make sure you provide them with pigeon grit as the extra calcium is great for developing eggs!
