Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > birds


23 10:49:23

How much food should i give my 2 birds at a time? should i add when there done?

Hi again, Alex.  

What type of food are you referring to...soft food, seed, pellets, etc.?

You can leave pelleted food in the cage all the time.  Feed soft food once per day (as much as your birds will eat at a time...probably about 1 teaspoon each...some budgies/keets eat more, some need to find out how much is enough for your birds).  Seed should only be about 25% of a bird's entire daily diet.  I don't know what you are feeding your birds, so it's hard to answer this question.  If you are feeding all seed, you need to switch your birds to a more healthy diet.  
