Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > juvenile mourning dove cant fly

juvenile mourning dove cant fly

23 10:45:09

I just found a juvenile mourning dove unable to fly. He was underneath my
bird feeder, and his crop is huge. When he tries to walk, he tips forward from
the weight of his crop. I'm trying to figure out if he just ate too much--do
they do that?--and now can't fly. I have him a carrier with some water and
am hoping that's the problem and not crop disease. I'm wondering if you've
ever heard of a young dove gorging himself at a feeder to the point where he
can't fly.


Hi Audrey,

It could be possible he ate too much. Also, he could have a crop problem such as sour crop or canker. I would keep him in a warm, quiet room. Offer him some water but not food. See if the crop can empty on its own first. Have you noticed anything unusual in his mouth, such as yellow growths? Keep me updated!
