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female pigeon and egg

23 10:44:42

I took a pigeon home because it couldn't fly and I was afraid a cat might eat it or something.. The next day it was flying perfectly fine, and she also laid an egg. I was going to release the pigeon where i'd picked her, but now should I let her hatch the egg, or  try hatching the egg myself? Or does she need her mate to hatch the  nestling? She hasn't laid a second egg yet, nor has she been much interested in the egg she laid last night.
Furthermore, if the egg is fertlized, and I hatch it, will artificial feed be a substitute for pigeon milk? Or should I just get a male pigeon and raise a nest at home?

Extremely unlikely that she would hatch and raise a baby by herself.  Normally the daddy sets on the eggs during the day and mommy at night.

Hatching eggs requires perfectly controlled temperature and humidity, for normal chick development.  Any deviation from the needs will cause all sorts of deformities.  And even if you were able to hatch a viable young, I know of no pigeon milk substitute.  

I highly recommend tossing the egg.
