Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > white pigeon/dove

white pigeon/dove

23 10:44:33

Hello: David:

I found a white bird, it is slender in built, brown eyes, pink beak, legs and feet and no bands.  It wasn't afraid of our car as we drove by but fluttered just over a few feet when I got out of the car so we just watched it from the car.  I went back to the hardware store where it is hanging out and found another one.  The hardware store doesn't want them around since they have been there about a year and making a mess.  Question is if I build a coop say 5ft by 8ft by 6ft tall and netted the three(there are two white birds and a dark gray one)and had an area say 2ft by 2ft by 3 ft for them to fly in, would they be okay in it?  I live in southwestern Ontario and everyone says because they are all white-they stand out and will be easier to see for hawks etc.  Are these white ones doves or pigeons?  Also will they adjust to being in a coop instead of free flying?  Or should I let the hardware store get someone else to catch them and release them somewhere else?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Helen, I can't say whether they are doves or pigeon without a picture.  2x2x3 isn't going to be big enough for either species to fly in.  Your loft dimensions are good.  I guess it's up to you whether or not you want to take on a new pet!  They can be work and require daily care.