Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > pigeon egg firtilization

pigeon egg firtilization

23 10:45:21

Hi,hope you  are well.
i have recently paired two pigeon together as the male originally paired with this female flew off three weeks ago when they were sitting on eggs she weaned the babies for 1 week her self where we then took them and are hand feeding them.  
the new male started mating from the second day we paired them and on the forth day the female layed could this egg be fertiliezed. if not should i thro

Hi Ali,

The egg could be fertilized. One way to determine if it is is to sit in a dark room and carefully hold a flashlight behind the egg. If you see blood vessels inside, then the egg is fertilized! If it does not appear to be fertilized, you can throw it out, but I would let them sit on it for a while so the hen can recover before she mates again and forms another egg(s). I hope this helps!
