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ceasing to feed the pigeons

23 10:44:48

our small city has banned feeding any birds until the pigeons find a new place. they estimate about the end of november. I have a 18 cup hopper feeder which i filled with black oil sunflower seed plus i put another pail on the ground and a pail of mixed birdseed. my mother across the street did similar. we fed all kinds of birds. sometimes the squirrels would raid it. about 4 yrs ago we got some pigeons, and they quickly made our places the feeding station. we never minded them coming, i think they are gentle and beautiful. they quickly grew in numbers to the point where the city wants to drive them out humanely. however i am in a state of depression over it.  they gather everyday waiting and it makes me so sad. i think they even know me. can they find enough to eat on their own? bad weather is coming soon. it used to make me happy to know they had a good meal everyday. is this really a humanee decision to cut off their food?

I can only give my opinion as a pigeon owner and I also have an anecdote that may shed some light, as well.

If your "small city" was, say, the size of New York the feral pigeons would not have anywhere to go in the event that ALL food sources were stopped.  If it is more along the lines of a mid-west town, then the birds will simply move out into the country to farms and find food there.  Pigeons can and do fly many miles at a time while foraging then return to their loft.

Many years ago I had a pigeon that I didn't want, so I turned him loose at my house under the assumption that hunger would drive him away.  He wasn't knowledgeable enough to leave to look for food; instead he started begging from me even landing on my head!  I finally started feeding him because I realized he would simply starve to death if I didn't.

In my opinion, your city's plan is a poor one.  Worst case for the birds is they starve.  Worst case for the city is they find other food sources and remain.  Most likely outcome will be a slight reduction in numbers temporarily.

There are professional pigeon trappers in the country.  It is more humane to kill a pest than to starve it to death.

Dave Ruble