Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > help needed

help needed

23 10:44:54

hi im tanisha i am only 11 so i cant get formuler for the bird witch is still an egg i found the egg on the ground and it was still warm but there was no perants so i look up the egg and found out it was a pigeon egg and i dont want to tell my perants coz they might make me get rit of it witch means it will die wat can i feed it other than formler

Hi, Tanisha,

You will have to handfeed this hatchling, if it hatches at all, so you will need baby parrot handfeeding formula, as well as a handfeeding syringe (or some other method for delivering the formula to the baby's gullet).  You will have to tell your parents you have this baby if it hatches because you will not be able to hide this bird if you intend to care for it properly.  The baby squeeker will need constant warmth (98 degrees F) in a brooder or brooder-type container until it has enough feathers to keep itself warm, you'll need to handfeed the baby about every 4 hours at first, etc.  You also need to learn proper care of baby pigeons.
