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pigeons living in an aviary

23 10:45:15

I am thinking about getting a pigeon and putting it in an aviary all year. I
live in North Mississippi where the temp. can get down to 10 to 15 deg. (it
mostly stays in the upper 20s or 30s) and in the summer it can reach temps. over
100 deg. If you could answer this for it would help me a lot. and if this isn't
the right bird for this area then would you please recommend a different bird
that could live in this area.

Hi Jack,

Pigeons can adapt very well to temperatures. Just make sure they have ample shelter in the winter and a place to get out of the wind/snow/cold and out of drafts. Also make sure the water does not freeze and provide lots of good food. In the summer, make sure they have shade and lots of fresh water. I hope this helps!
