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How to ascertain the sex of a Pigeon

23 10:45:21

I am interested in keeping pigeons. But I want to know how to discrminate the sex - which is a Male and which is a Female. And also let me know what are the points that I shud keep into mind while buying the pigeons from the market and also how to know that they are healthy.

Hi Sujan,

It can be quite difficult to determine the sex of pigeons. One thing that you can do is observe their behavior. Males tend to act a little more aggressively than females. They also strut and dance and drag their tail feathers on the ground while cooing. In some instances, the males might be a little larger than females. This is not always the case however, as the hens may act this way too and there can be some large girls out there! It just takes some observation to determine which is male or female. Also, it can be more difficult with a young pigeon since they reach sexual maturity at about six months of age, and even then the signs might not be so obvious.

I have no experience purchasing pigeons from a market, but when choosing a pigeon, carefully look it over for any signs of injury or illness. Check the eyes: Do they appear clear, bright, and alert without any discharge, foreign spots, or injury? Look inside the mouth: Does the tissue appear pink and healthy without any excess mucus, lesions, yellowish growths, or any other abnormalities? Is there a foul odor? Check the wattle and nostrils: Do you see any discharge, lesions, scabs, or notice labored breathing? Notice the overall feather condition: Can you find any external parasites? Check the wings for any injuries or abnormalities; look for missing feathers. Check the vent/cloaca: make sure it is clean and not caked with droppings or appears bloody. Check the legs: Are they straight and smooth? Do they have a nice reddish color to them? Are all toes and toenails present? Note any abnormalities. Observe the pigeon's overall behavior. Look for pigeons that are alert, active, and interested in their surroundings. Look at the droppings: Do they appear quite normal and healthy or are they green, watery, and generally unhealthy. Notice too how the pigeons are being housed: Are they in clean conditions? Do they have fresh, clean water available? What kind of food are they being fed?
There are many things to consider when picking out a pigeon, and I have only listed some of them. If you are looking for a particular breed of pigeon, then other factors may come into play, such as the conformation of the bird. In general, choose a pigeon that shows no obvious signs of illness or injury. I hope this helps! Good luck!
