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possible problem with molting

23 10:45:00


Bluebar hen
My Bluebar hen has been molting which is not a problem in itself. However, I have noticed that she has lost nearly all of the feathers on top of her head and has white almost quill looking growth on her face, head, and neck.
Is it normal for her to lose so many feathers from the top of her head?
Can you tell me what the white stuff is?
I have included an image of her. In it you can see the white stuff but not really how badly she has lost the feathers on top of her head.
The cock has some of the white stuff on him as well, but not nearly as much as she does and he still has all his feathers on top of his head.

Hi Debora,

How old is she? Is this her first moult? Sometimes if a pigeon has been under stress, they will not moult properly. It would be a good thing to add extra vitamin supplements to her diet at this time. Also make sure she is getting enough protein in her feed. Maybe try offering a pan of water to bathe in. This will help in softening the new feathers and removing the outer sheath from them so they can open up. The white powder you notice might just be dandruff (dead skin cells) or parts of the outer sheath of the new feathers. A good bath will also help this. If you have anything else to ask, please do!
