Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Environmental Enrichment for a Dove

Environmental Enrichment for a Dove

23 10:45:09

My neighbors found a white dove being attacked by crows.  I took her in, she's very tame, I've had her about 6 months.  She's in a very large parrot cage with branches, a food bowl, and a water bowl.  What can I do for environmental enrichment?

Hi Erica,

It sounds like you have everything right. If she appears to be happy, then I wouldn't really add anything else. Did she bond with you? Maybe you can place her cage outside for a few hours just to let her have some fresh air and a chance to sunbathe. Don't leave her unattended, of course, and make sure she is safe from predators and has a place to get out of the sun when she has had enough. If she appears to be stressed, then bring her back in. Other than that, it sounds like you are doing a great job!
