Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > What kind of pigeon is this?

What kind of pigeon is this?

23 10:45:13


fancy pigeon?
My friend just recently left me with a black fancy pigeon.  He says he is coming back for it, but either way, I'd like to know its breed and the best way to care for it.  I know its cage is too small, and I had the local pet food store make up a "pigeon mix" for him/her to eat.  I'll attach a picture if you don't mind (and I have more if you need them.)  I've been checking out all the pigeon sites I can find on the internet, but nothing definitively tells me what this bird is.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much.

Hi Cindy,

First I must say that is one cute pigeon! From the picture, it looks like it could be a Russian Tumbler:

Here is a website with more information about them:

If the pigeon is used to being housed in that cage, it is fine. Is it tame and calm enough to be held? What type of seed does the pigeon mix contain? Did your friend leave any food for it or instructed what he feeds it? Always make sure it has fresh, clean water available.
