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Homing pigeons?

23 10:44:40

I was wondering, what kind of pigeons make good homing pigeons? I'm 15 and I think the idea of having a few would be fun. So I'm doing some research. Can any pigeon be a homing pigeon? On youtube someone used white doves? I know you should raise them from young so they get used to living in the areas and such. Thanks!

Any pigeon that can properly fly, will return home from some distance.  Most will give up and be lost beyond a few miles.  The breed, Racing Homer, has been bred for many decades to return home from much more.  500 mile races are common.  I had a young racer return home from over 1,000 miles.

There are many "families" of racing homers....don't worry about that too much!  Most racing people avoid white feathers of any kind; they don't seem to hold up to the extreme abuse as well as colored feathers.
