Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > black fantails

black fantails

23 10:48:45

I am to be given 6 of the above and do not have accommodation for them. Can you help me as to size of area required, flight arrangements and how long I should keep them shut in to be sure they will stay here.  They are old birds. I can convert a small garden shed and add a flight area for them.  I want them to be free in my garden eventually.

Hi, Chris,

I would not let these birds out to fly freely when you get them if they were born elsewhere.  Actually, I don't think fantails will stay home when/if let out to fly freely.  Some types of pigeons just don't have homing abilities.  If you let them out, they get scared/startled (which will happen when they see a hawk or falcon, etc.) and fly off/scatter, they will not find their way home.

Do you plan on breeding these birds?  If so, you'll need a larger area than you would if you just kept the 6 birds.  For 6 birds, I'd say an enclosed area about 6'x8' or 8'x10' would be sufficient, with an outside aviary/flight cage attached so they can sit in the sun, bathe in the rain, and get fresh air whenever they want daily.

Come back if you need to.
