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Pigeons breeding?

23 10:44:53

Hi, I hope you can help me. I have 1 big cage with 4 pigeons and 3 indian ringneck parrots. I just want to know will the pigeons breed in peace without the parrots intefering.

Hi, Gerhard,

I seriously don't think so, but it depends on the personalities of the individual birds involved.  I raise both parrots and pigeons and they are so very different birds.  I recommend you separate the pigeons from the parrots.  Pigeons need a lot of room where they can exercise (fly), go outside in the sun/rain and go inside to get away from adverse weather/cold, a place where they can make their nest (nesting box) and raise their young separately from other bird pairs.  With 3 ringnecks, you may already have an issue depending on the sex of the ringnecks, i.e., one may be a third-wheel (meaning 2 might be opposite sexes and eventually bond, leaving the 3d an "outsider").

Parrots have different nutritional and housing requirements, they may be jealous of any eggs the pigeons might lay which can result in raiding of the pigeon's nests (or vice versa).  The parrots may pick on/kill pigeon eggs/hatchlings.  Just the fact that parrots have hooked beaks that can inflict much damage on a pigeon is reason enough for me to keep these 2 different species of birds in separate housing.
