Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Diamond Doves

Diamond Doves

23 10:45:10

I have two pairs of diamond doves the last couple times they lay the embryos would develop but the young can't break out of the shell. Is there a reason for this, if so what can I do about it?

Hi Griffin,

Are the babies pipping at all or do they just die in the egg? It is possible that the hen (or cock) is a carrier of paratyphoid (salmonellosis). Typically the bacteria is introduced onto the shell of the egg and enters through pores or directly into the egg during production. The bacteria invades the body and kills the young.

The bacteria can be spread through droppings, so I would clean everything with a diluted bleach solution. If either of the doves are carriers, you might not be able to truly eradicate the organism. I would take them to a veterinarian to be sure that this is definitely what you are dealing with before giving any antibiotics or treatment.

On a side note, have you confirmed that the eggs are actually fertilized?
