Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > White homing pigeon found

White homing pigeon found

23 10:44:55

Hi recently I found a white homing pigeon in my yard.  He stayed around for two weeks.  I believe he is lost.  I have a horse farm a half mile from my house.  He showed up there afterwards and has been there since. He flies out during the day and returns periodically.  I have feed him bird food and given him water. He roosts in the barns rafters.  I think he has made a home there in the barn.  He has no tags on this legs.  I don't mind taking care of him.  I just don't know what to do for him.  Winter is coming.  Will he be ok?  Do I need to build a loft for him?  What am I supposed to be feeding him.  Any information you could send me would be helpful.  Should I buy him a mate?

Thanks Chris

Hi Chris,

The barn rafters sound pretty safe for him, if you don't mind him roosting there! He should be fine for winter if he can gain access to the rafters. You can build him a loft if you would like to keep him confined and safe from predators. Bird food is good and just be sure he is eating enough in the winter and that his water stays fresh and not frozen. If you have any feed stores or pet stores nearby, you can ask if they have any pigeon or dove feed. Here is a link of common seeds and grains that are found in pigeon food:

For now, the pigeon does not need a mate. I think it will eventually find one on its own.
