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Weaning a baby pigeon

23 10:44:48

Hi. I rescued two baby woodpigeons just over a week ago from the ground under a chopped down tree. I reckon they are now about 3 weeks old - about 12" wingspan, still seeing skin in armpits, fluffy grey elsewhere, and dark tail feathers appearing - about half an inch.  I have been feeding readybrek (instant oats) 3 times a day - about 50ml each every time. Have started trying to feed defrosted peas/corn as well.. I've been adding a bit of canary seed to the porridge mixture for a few days. I've left canary seed in a flat dish in their cage and water bowl, but they are not interested - just want their bottle!! Any idea how to move them on, as I'm going away for a week in 2 and a half weeks time, and would need them to be off the bottle by then, as I can't ask my neighbour to do this! Can I try anything else? And what stage will they happily go outside?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

First, I have never owned wood pigeons but have been around them some.  In the case of domestic pigeons, they should be fed dry, ripe grains totalling between 12 and 16 % protein.  Pigeon milk only lasts for about 2 days after hatching, so whole grains and a bit of sand is perfectly fine.  Do not feed whole, uncrimped dry oats.  The sharp ends can puncture the crop.

Feed a mix of pigeon peas, unpopped popcorn and wheat twice a day.  Be sure to leave a mix of this available at all times and they will be hungery enough between feedings to pick at it.
