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Pigeon and Her Unfertilized Egg

23 10:44:41

QUESTION: My pigeon surprised me by laying an egg.  She cannot fly due to an injured wing, so I'm fairly certain she never mated.  Although she lives inside, I try to get her outside for a while each day.  She laid the egg ten days ago, so I thought Id remove the egg while she left her nest to eat and exercise.  When she returned to her nest, she settled  back down as if her egg were still there.  Not knowing what to do, I returned the egg and she gently pushed it under herself. What should I do?  

Thank you.
Carolyn Bordelon

ANSWER: You need to remove the egg before it rots and explodes, making a big mess!  After it is removed she is likely to keep her nest for a day or two, but will eventually give up.

It is extraordinarily unlikely that she found a sweetie outside without you knowing it!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your reply. I will remove the egg again for good.  In the meantime she started aggressively attacking my cats.  Yesterday she started collecting twigs again.  I talked with my vet who said since I had removed her egg he thought she was trying to build a better nest to protect it.  I'm concerned about egg binding.  In reading the following info: Clinical Signs of Egg Binding.  
A hen may appear depressed, have an abnormally wide stance, and make repeated straining motions. Some birds may be puffed yet perching, while others may be found on the bottom of the cage. Some birds may even be found dead on the floor of the cage or aviary without any previous warning. Droppings may be larger than normal or no droppings may be passed and the vent may be dilated and swollen",  I've observed no depression or wide stance. She is puffed at times (not perching since she is in the nest) and has large droppings since she laid the egg (I thought this was because she only poops after sitting on the next for a long time).  She's eating well but will not eat any greens (lettuce) when offered. I cannot "feel" anything hard and round when I check her tummy.  I just paid $185 to the vet recently for a general checkup and can't afford to take her in again now.  Please advise.
Thank you.
Carolyn Bordelon

Pigeons will peck at grass and other greens when allowed to free roam, but for the most part they do not eat greens.  They eat ripe grains and seeds.

Egg binding is rather rare, and is almost exclusively restricted to one of two conditions;  either the first egg of her life or a drastic cold front immediately before laying.  I don't think I have ever had a pigeon egg bound.  More common in chickens.  If she is indeed egg bound, you would be able to feel the egg with a pelvic check.  If so, then you have to break the egg shell so she can pass it.  

Pigeons normally keep long term mates and so when kept singly, all sorts of strange behaviors emerge.  She may obsessively nest.  If so, you need to find a fake egg that she will accept and let her set on it to keep her busy.  I have put banty chicken eggs under pigeons before and let them hatch!  Of course, the chicks have to be removed immediately.
