Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Sexing Pigeons

Sexing Pigeons

23 10:45:06

How do I tell if a pigeon is male or female please

Hi Diana,

Pigeons can be a little tricky. I have had a similar question in a previous post and I will repost it here for you:

It can be quite difficult to determine the sex of pigeons. One thing that you can do is observe their behavior. Males tend to act a little more aggressively than females. They also strut and dance and drag their tail feathers on the ground while cooing. In some instances, the males might be a little larger than females. This is not always the case however, as the hens may act this way too and there can be some large girls out there! It just takes some observation to determine which is male or female. Also, it can be more difficult with a young pigeon since they reach sexual maturity at about six months of age, and even then the signs might not be so obvious. If you find eggs, then you have a hen!

I hope this helps!