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Pigeon Molting

23 10:44:46

QUESTION: My pigeon started molting around the end of August or first of Sept.  He's still molting and I see no evidence of new feathers.  Otherwise he seems to be healthy.  He spends most of his time indoors but does go out each day at different times.  How long do pigeons molt before they get new feathers?

ANSWER: Hold his wing open and see if there is a gap in the primary (main) feathers.  If there is, that means he is in  molt, and that they are indeed growing back.  Pigeons lose and regrow feathers in a systematic manner and on the primary flights, this process starts with the tip feather first.

If he is indeed failing to regrow feathers, then this question is out of my expertise!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He broke off the primary part of one wing, so he can't fly, although he tries and he does a flutter dance to exercise his wing and a half. Previously he did lose dark main feathers. They may have grown back, but he's losing his little white feathers that are on his body under his wings. He has a lot of those so his skin isn't showing. It's just been going on so long. He's getting good nutrition but no special molting feed I see being sold. Is that a necessity, or do you think I should take him in to be checked?

If there is not skin showing, all is well.  I do not know the actual time period for a complete molt cycle.  My guess is that it would be several months and maybe 6.  Wing Primaries, secondaries and tail retrices are the main groups that we pay attention to.  If all goes well there things should be fine.