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Pigeon biting

23 10:45:06

I raised two orphaned pigeons by hand from about 1 wk old, they are now 3 1/2 mths old and I think both males and they bite me, in the cage out of the cage anytime and anywhere,fingers,arms,face etc. should I find one a home since they are both males,or try adding another bird hopefully a female, I never had a pigeon bite before, Thanks so much Sheree

Hi Sheree,

Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you! It has been a very busy week! Have you noticed if they fight each other? Do they only attack you whenever you get your hands too close or do they just run up to you and attack for no reason? I have had a few problems myself with hand raised pigeons that attack for no reason later on. Perhaps they have had so much human contact that they see you as another pigeon and therefore as an intruder. I am not sure if removing one of them will help any or if adding another will, either.They are still fairly young as well and could just be experiencing a stage in their lives where they are trying to establish who is dominant. Pigeons can be a little tricky at times!

Please let me know!
