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Introducing new mate

23 10:45:07

My top cock was killed by a black snake 5 days ago. He and his mate were very much in love. I acquired a new cock (from the same source that I acquired the others) 4 days later and put him in the nest box with her and seperated them with a wire mesh screen so that they can see but not get to each other.
My question is: how long should I wait until I let them get to each other?
Of course, being that he is new to the loft, he must be kept prisoner and not be allowed to see out of the nest box for at least 2 weeks.

Hi Debora,

With any new pigeon you introduce unto your loft you want to be sure to quarantine the bird for about six weeks just to be sure they are not harboring any disease that could be transmittable to your loft. After that, you can put them together. I would keep the cock away from the hen just in case anything might be transmittable (in that time period).
