Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > rock pigeons

rock pigeons

23 10:45:06

i have a question... i raised two orphan rock pigeons since they were born and they fly all day long and come back home. however, one day i took them to the park in a cage like 60km away from home then when i let them out they flew away the opposite direction... its been 1 week and 2 days since they've been gone... i really miss them... they are just 4 months old... i was wondering if you know they will come back...

Hi Sarah,

It is hard to say if they will come back. They might eventually show up one day, or perhaps they found a feral flock to hang out with. They also might have gotten lost on the way back or got injured. Only time will tell, really, but I hope they do show up! I know that I have lost a few pigeons like that and it is heartbreaking!
