Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > sick Dove

sick Dove

23 10:45:19

I have a young dove that cannot walk just falls over, is rolling its head right over the back of its head and and has a welling on one of his eyes. its as if hhis neck can move 360. They have always been at my house in a dove cote, i dont know anything about birds just feed them. Didnt know if should leave well alone or do something, not sure whether to touch it or not.... Any ideas????

Hi Abigail,

I am sorry to hear about your dove. Could it have flown into something and injured itself? Is the whole eye swollen? Is it in contact with other birds or have you brought new birds into your dove cote? I think you need to take this bird to a veterinarian. For now, carefully pick up the bird and place it into a box with a towel and heating pad under it. Set the heating pad on low. Can it sit up by itself? Offer it water and keep it in a warm, quiet room. Is it responsive? Does it show interest in food?
