Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > cold hardiness of fantail doves

cold hardiness of fantail doves

23 10:44:40

I recently received some breeding pairs of fantail doves from a friend who raised them with his chickens. I live in CT where the winter temperatures can go to 0 degrees F. Will the doves be able to survive in a traditional dovecote set up outside as long as we provide water that does not freeze? We have not been able to find out if the doves need greater protection from the elements. We would like them to be able to eventually be free to fly during the day and our hen house must remain closed when we are not home due to predator issues. Thanks very much for any info.

Pigeons are very tough birds as proven by the millions of ferals living in every nook and cranny in the world.  However, a highly domesticated breed such as a Fantail will do much better in an enclosed loft.  Temperatures will be no problem in CT, but draftiness is a potential issue.  And frankly, your chickens will do better if protected also.

Ideally, protected from the wind without being absolutely airtight.  A famous pigeon breeder always said that the best test is to light a cigar in the loft; the smoke should clear within 5 minutes!  
