Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Protective Hen... Or Male?

Protective Hen... Or Male?

23 10:44:58

Hi Stacie,

I took your advice and made a nest, which my female dove took to immediately and has claimed territory over (although she does share it with the male!)

We have been successful in having 1 egg laid which has veins so I take it to mean that it is fertile.

Since she laid the egg, she has remains on the nest continually.  Only once she got off to have something to eat and drink, and the male then sat on the egg.  

Here are my questions after the background knowledge above...

1)  Could she have laid a 2nd egg and be laying on 2?  I can't validate this as she won't get off the egg/s!  She looks bigger now in her belly where she is covering the egg.  

2)  Is she doing the right thing by staying on the nest the entire time and not eating for hours and hours on end?  (I'm on holidays so I get to watch!)

3)  "She" started coo'ing while sitting in the nest.  She has never coo'ed like the male but "she" definately sounds like how my male sounds when he coo's.  Is there a possibility that he is on the nest, and not her?  Do male ring-neck doves do that?

I really look forward to hearing from you.  I search the web for hours looking for answers but you seem to give me the info I need to simply!

Thanks for your help,

Hi Pia,

I am glad to hear the progress!

1) Yes, she could have laid a second egg, but you won't see it unless you move her or when they switch egg sitting duties.

2) They sometimes do like to sit on the nest for long periods of time. When they are hungry or thirsty or when they decide to take a break, they will eat and drink. Don't worry, she is not going to starve herself!

3) Yes, it is possible he could be on the nest as they do take turns during certain times of the day.

I hope these answers are helpful enough. If not, just let me know!
