Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > found pigeon

found pigeon

23 10:44:58

What appears to be a domesticated pigeon landed behind my apartment building during a heavy rainstorm a couple of days ago.  He is pink and gray with a rather long white tail.  He has a red band with numbers (I can't read them) on his right leg and a green band on his left.  During the day he returns from his sleeping place (I don't know where) and stays in the same spot by the door.  I am feeding him cracked corn.  Will he find his way home?  Am I wrong in feeding him?  It is still raining by the way.  An animal rescue league said he would find his way home or learn to live in the wild.  What should I do, if anything?

Hi Sharon,

Can you get close enough to capture it? It is not a problem that you are feeding it, however, it will probably stay in you company because now it knows where there is a food source! If you would like to continue feeding it, I would purchase a bag of wild bird seed that contains a variety of seeds. Corn is fattening and too much of it is not good. I don't know if he will find his way home. Your home is probably his home now! He also might be sick or injured and the only way to know is to capture him or get close enough to observe his behavior. Keep me updated!
