Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > injured pigeon

injured pigeon

23 10:44:59

QUESTION: I have come across a pigeon today that has been attacked by a larger bird. the pigeon is young, it seems to have bleeding claw marks on his back and more graising to under the chest he has also lost lots of feathers off his back and chest. I have bathed his back in antiseptic put him in a dog carrier with news paper, food, water and shredded paper as bedding is there anything else i can do he is looking better than when i first picked him up.

ANSWER: Hi Joan,

Thank you for saving this pigeon! Have you noticed if he ate yet or drank any water? You could also put a thin layer of antibacterial cream on the injuries. Also make sure the pigeon is kept warm, but not too warm. Just keep a close eye on him and make sure it is eating and drinking well. Let me know if you have any other concerns!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Good Morning Stacie

I you sent a reply on Sunday I'm not sure if you have received it or not but just to keep you informed our pigeon is infact a Dove, He seems to be doing well I've had some friends call round to apply antibacterial it was a bit stressful on the poor bird, he had been badly pecked under his wing his back was described as looking like chicken skin on one side the other more breaks in the skin and all feathers gone in these areas. I was wondering what to do next? I had put two dog carriers together for him to go from to another and to make it easy for feeding and cleaning as he's obviously not use to such close contact. I've rang the vet this morning and they recommended that the antibacterial does not need applying now my friend will call tomorrow to look under his wing to see how he is healing and to make sure he's not infected. I was wondering if we are doing anything wrong I can't bear to think while trying to help him we would be doing the opposite.  i told the vet I had a larger cage they suggested to put him into the larger cage and cover over for comfort and warmth from drafts with some perches to keep his tail fathers of the floor to encourage him to move around more, i think I'll put him in the large cage in the small cage so he can come out at his own pace.
How long do I keep him for?
Do all his feathers have to grow back before he can leave?
Should I take him to the vet for a check to confirm if he is well enough to go?

Thank you for taking the time to give your advice.


Hi Joan,

It can sometimes be stressful for a wild dove to have so much contact with people. If this is the case, I would try to limit contact with him. Just make sure he is eating and drinking well on his own. Are there many feathers missing? Especially flight feathers or tail feathers? If so, I would wait to release him until the majority have grown back in. Other than that, I don't think there is much more you can do. Keep me updated.
