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Male Ringneck Dove

23 10:44:37

About 2 years ago I bought what I was told were a male and female pair of Ringneck Doves.  Turned out they were both male.  They lived together for the last two years.  A few weeks ago a dog tore into my bird cage and killed one of them.  I decided to get the remaining dove a female.  I've had them together for a couple of weeks and while they seem to get along fine I have never seen them mate.  The female laid a couple of eggs a few days ago and has been sitting on them morning and night; the male doesn't sit on them at all.  He stays on the opposite side of the cage.  Aren't the males supposed to help incubate the eggs?  Thanks!

Yes, the male should set at night.  If she layed immediately after putting them together (within a week) they may not be fertile and the male hasn't had sufficient time to go through his rituals.  Candle them after a week or so and if clear throw them out and then everything should reset and be fine.