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Pigeons Size, Weight, and Health

23 10:44:38

My pigeon's weight as of her last vet appt. was 66 gms.  I used to feed her variations of wild bird seed minus sunflower seed that she won't eat. I still offer her the bird seed but also give her a separate mixture of millet, steel oats, barley, raw spanish peanuts, & buck wheat. When I give her this mixture, she'll immediately stop eating the bird seed and rush over to it and eats until she's full. Sometimes she leaves to walk around then comes back to eat more. Sometimes she'll go back to eat either the bird seed or the grit & gravel in it (not sure which). I don't add the grit to the mixture because I want to encourage her to also eat the bird seed. I'm trying to add some weight and size to her thinking she'll also be healthier. Need your advise on what I'm doing since I have no idea.

I have no way of knowing whether 66gms is light or heavy without knowing what kind of pigeon you have.  However, I have never seen or heard of a pigeon that ate too much or too little without there being a problem.  If it is thin, you may try worming.  

Pigeons are very good at choosing the grains they need.  Your mixture is fine; just let it decide what to eat.  Unlike people, they will not over eat bad food!  They also need a free selection of grit.
