Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > eggs


23 10:49:21

i don't know candling.
i live in Long Island,NY, in winter should i leave light on all time because of cold.  
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does all pigeons eggs hatch in 18 days.two female lay eggs on dec,20 and did not hatch how long should i wait to throw eggs out if the eggs are bads.
Hi, Umar.

Yes...approximately 18 days from the date the pair started incubating their eggs (give or take a day or 2).  I'd give them a couple more days just in case.  You can candle eggs to see what's going on inside.  Do you know about candling?



There's much information on the internet about candling.  Candling is when you shine a light source (such as a flashlight or pinlight) through an egg to see if you can see an embryo and veins running through an egg.  This can tell you whether an egg is fertile or not.  This doesn't necessarily guarantee hatching, as much can happen inside an egg before a baby hatches out.  But it can tell you if an egg is fertile or not.  Practice with what you should/shouldn't see by candling a chicken egg from your refrigerator.  These are infertile.  If your pigeon eggs look like the chicken egg, they are not fertile.  If they are dark inside and/or early on you can see a dark spot and red veins running through an egg, the egg is fertile.  Do not touch any eggs with your bare hands, as oils/dirt from your skin can ruin egg(s), so use a glove or something when carefully handling any eggs.

No, pigeons do not require any type of heating source during winter as long as they are protected from the wind.
