Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > 2day old pigeon crop too full?

2day old pigeon crop too full?

23 10:44:35

Hi, we are trying to help a 2 day old "squeaker" that my daughter was given (in egg form) and she consequently put in with her chicken eggs and it hatched!  we are good with chickens but we do not know how to raise a squeakers! I think we have an issue...last night his left side at the bottom of the neck, but in front of the wing was huge! We thought this was an overfull crop? but it was/still is pooping what looks like normal poos (i think,kinda black with a bit of white and a fair amount of fluid around it)... I read about a million bits of advice online and went with a bit of gatorade, laying babe on a warm pak and massaging the area... all good! big blob gone. now (it is in my hand as I type, hence errors) the right side of his neck - right up to his "chin" is looking odd, puffy and full - I pushed gently on it and some air came out and a bit of food... it has been at least 4 hrs and very little change... I can send a photo if possible on here? thankyou so much!!

Baby pigeons can ingest a massive amount of food; to the point where half of their mass is in front of them.  Probably not a concern unless you are using the force-feed method and actually are over filling.  

This link shows a baby with normal crop size.  I've seen bigger.