Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Pigeons > Taming


23 10:45:12

im going to set out a bird trap in my back yard and i have a couple questions i need to know about the pigeon
i live in illinios
1)i have a big cage out side will he live in it during the winter?
2)what do i feed him that is the best?
3)how do i know if its a male or female
4)how can i tame him so he doesnt run away when i let him fly in the open i dont know if he will be older of younge
thanks and please tell me even if you say he will die im still going to keep him(until he looks sick or sad then ill let him go)

Hi Alex,

1)Yes, the pigeon can live outside in a big cage during winter as long as you provide adequate shelter from wind, rain, and snow. You must also make sure the drinking water does not freeze.

2)You can purchase a pre-made sack of pigeon feed from a feed store or perhaps a pet store. Just ask if they have any pigeon feed. Some seeds and grains that are found in pigeon feed include several different types of peas, corn, popcorn (unpopped), milo, wheat, barley, millet, and flax.

3)It can be difficult to determine the sex of a pigeon, especially if it is young. One thing to observe is the behavior. Males tend to be a little more aggressive and coo and strut more than hens, although this is not always the case! Hens lay eggs, of course.

4)Taming takes time and patience. I would first let the pigeon get used to your presence. If you are trying to capture a feral pigeon, this will take more time since they try to avoid humans. The pigeon will attempt to get away from you and will be very frightened. If you stand near the cage quietly and move slowly, the pigeon might get used to you being there. Soon, you can try offering it a treat and see if it takes it from you. This will take time and I encourage you to take it slow. Pigeons don't particularly like being captured, and it may still run away from you.

If you have any other questions, please ask!
