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Nesting of Indian Fantail

23 10:44:34

Hi, Mr. Ruble, I was thinking about putting sand instead of straws or dried grass in the nesting bowl of Indian Fantails. Do you think sand has higher chance of a hygiene nest and incubating eggs? I live in Bangladesh so pine needles are not available here. And since weather in this country is too humid straws or other dried crop materials make mites infestation easier. I was also thinking of putting Nim tree (Azadirachta indica)leaves in the nest because it is used to pest and disease control in Bangladesh. Please let me know.

Thank You.

Niaz, I have used sand in the nest bowls.  I lived in the semi-tropics at the time and it worked fine.  Where I live now in central US, I think the sand would act as a heat-sink and cool the eggs too much.  I am not familiar with the Nim tree, but as long as it doesnt cause a skin irritation, I would think it would work fine.