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Pigeon Moulting

23 10:45:14

QUESTION: Hi Stacie,

This is full molting season in India. Now tell me the food and preventive medication of Pigeons at this time. Please remember that no ready made food mix is not available in India ( We live in Kolkata ( Calcutta) eastern part of India . Shall be grateful to get your valued advice.



ANSWER: Hi Supriyo,

Good pigeon food includes seeds and grains such as peas, maize (popcorn  not popped), red and white millet, wheat, canary seed, and milo. It may  also include hemp seed, flax, barley, and safflower. I understand that you said there is no pre-made bag of feed and I do not know of anywhere in India where you might purchase some. Can you obtain wild bird seed? There are a few places on-line where you can order a bag of feed:

Generally during the molting process, you want a feed that is higher in protein to help in the aid of feather development and growth. For preventative measures, just make sure your loft is clean and they have fresh water available at all times. You may also add a vitamin supplement to the water to ensure they receive proper nutrition during this time. I hope this helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Stacie,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I would appreciate if you could give me a  of each item to be fed. I have 150 Birds ( Pigeons). Would you suggest any green leaf to be feed during this time. There is a saying that Pigeons should be feed less during rest period...Hope this is not true about molting period. What do you suggest? We do not get wild bird  feed mix in India. We get all these ingredients separately and have to be mixed.Hence I asked for the  tage of each items to be mixed...

with regards,


Hi Supriyo,

If you look at the links I have provided, it lists the majority of the seeds and grains involved, as well as some I have stated earlier. You can try giving them greens, as some might like to try it and others could care less. During the molting process, you should feed about the same amount as before, just higher in protein, as it helps with the birds losing the old feathers and growing and developing new ones. Do you raise racing homers?
