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23 10:44:29

we raise pigeons here and other birds and i was wondering what is the best method to prevent algae from growing in their water drinkers. thank you, also can you provide me with a feed mix for them if possible or whats the best feed for them, we have king pigeons and homers

Hi Stmmfarm,

Thank you for your question! I live in Arizona and have the same exact problem with algae in water containers, especially during the warmer months. The best solution I have found is to stay on top of the algae growth by changing the water everyday and cleaning and scrubbing the drinkers with a dilute bleach solution at least once a week. I also try to keep their water drinkers out of direct sunlight which can facilitate algae growth. This seems to keep the rapidly-growing algae at bay. I am also open to suggestions, if you find other methods that seem to work!

Pigeons are classified as granivores, in which the bulk of their diet consists of various seeds and grains. It is best to feed them a mixture that contains various seeds and grains or a commercially prepared pelleted pigeon diet. You can try contacting feed stores in your area to see if they carry pigeon feed. You can also order feed online, such as from Foy's Pet Supplies. They carry pigeon products and feed; you can visit their website here: to get an idea of different seed, grain, and pelleted mixtures available.

Make sure you purchase fresh feed, free from mold and insect/rodent infestation which can be detrimental to the health of your birds.

I hope this information helps you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

