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making pairs

23 10:49:21

  i have one white pair, one black pair with white tails and one red pair. now other remaing pigeons, one black female with tail and crest on the neck. other 3 males are white with red good thing pair a crested neck pigeon to a none crested.i have only left one female and three males that are not pairs.  

Hi, Umar.

Where homing pigeons are concerned, you shouldn't worry about colors when pairing up birds.  You should pair up homing pigeons based on racing qualities you want to see reflected in the offspring, without regard to color.  A pretty-colored bird is just an added benefit (i.e., color has nothing to do with how fast a bird can fly and/or whether it can home).  

Homing pigeons don't have crests.  What type of pigeons do you have with crests?  I would recommend you pair crested birds with only crested birds.  Don't mix racing homing pigeons with fancy pigeons.
