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help, baby pigeon.

23 10:48:48

hey, i found a baby pigeon. i take care of allot of birds, such as lorikeets, but don't know much about baby pigeons. The pigeon i found is crested and has about all is feathers but still has down feathers around its back. It is also been attacked by breeding noisy miners. its ok but has some bald patches now on its head and a sore on its wing.

i don't know what to feed it. i don't know how old it is, or if it will still need formula, or if it will eat on its own . help me please

Hi, Emily,

I'm sorry for responding late to your question(s).  I was hospitalized and trying to catch up.

If this bird is ready to begin eating pigeon grain on its own, it will start pecking at things on the ground/bottom of cage.  When this begins, start offering pigeon/dove grain, as well as teaching the baby to drink by dipping its beak into water in a dish.  The baby may have to be handfed using baby parrot handfeeding formula found at most pet stores (or on the interest).  Feed using a handfeeding syringe.  Find more information on handfeeding on my website:

My website is mainly about parrots, but same applies to baby pigeons for handfeeding purposes.  I'd need to see a picture in order to determine the bird's age, but sounds like this bird is probably 3-4 weeks old.  Even though the baby may eat on its own, it may still need to be handfed once or twice a day until it's able to eat enough to keep itself nourished.
