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Indian Fantails Diet

23 10:44:33

Mr. Ruble, can you give me a complete diet chart/plan of Indian Fantail Pigeons? What should be their feeding plate like or how should I feed them?

:-), well, I won't give a "complete" diet schedule, but here are some rules of thumb;

Flying and young birds - 16% protein
Breeders - 18% protein

The following grains (with protein percentages) are commonly used

Pigeon Peas  24%
Garden Peas  24%
Soybeans (baked to convert the lysine is best)  37%
Corn; field, flint and pop    9%
Wheats      12%
Sunflower   26%
Safflower   15%
Oats (crimped only)    14%
Millet       9%
Milo         9%
Barley      12%
Rice        7.5%