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Loss of zebras mate

23 9:59:40

My male Itsey lost his mate Bitsy, he has been upset and calling.  I was told to get society finches because they are not aggressive.  Can I put in 1 socety with him, I know it is hard to tell what sex I would get.  Or do I get 1 female zebra and 2 society ( not knowing the sex on the society any issues?).  Any advice would be appriciated.


I would not use Societies for two reasons:
-It is nearly impossible to tell their gender
-Can actually mate with Zebras to create a hybrid

Get the Society a friend (gender does not matter) and get the male a girl. It will help ease his sorrow having someone to cuddle up beside. Introduce her slowly (cages side by side) so that he doesn't bite her when he first sees her.