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Hand feeding finches?!

23 9:58:22


I bought two finches 6 months ago. They had thier first clutch of 4 eggs around 20 days ago and I have been so excited about them hatching.

The first one hatched around three days ago, a little beauty with feathers on its head :) I kept watch over him, and it seemed to me like he was begging for food quite a lot. I was quite concered as the mother would not let the father into the nest and seemed to be attacking him. Then yesterday I was very ill, today also. Baby wasn't moving last night and today I can confirm that it had died. The mom seems in quite a bit of distress and has completely abandoned the other eggs. After candling the eggs I am certain one more is going to hatch, one of them was damaged and the air sac was too large, and one im not sure of. It seems like the baby finch was crushed.

I have done a lot of research on hand rearing finches, and when I was not as informed as I am now I was going to hand rear them anyway, until i found out that it is very dangerous. So I left them until today, until one was dead and the others abandonded.

I have rang a woman near me who rears parrots who advised me to place the eggs on some tissue on a hot water bottle which I have done, however it seems nowhere near me supplies hand rearing formula. Is there an alternative?

I really wanted to leave them to it, and have been watching the stages of the eggs being laid to them hatching in amazement, but i really think its time to intervene. Please help me!

This is an alternative way to the hot water bottle bit. What I normally is watch the nest like a hawk and take the babies out once they are born. This way the eggs are still sat on by the parents and you don't have to worry about cooking the babies while they're still in the egg.