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Mini Stallion

21 10:30:47

I recently got a 3yr old miniature stallion and he is very friendly, but when he doesn't get his way he likes to bite.  What is the best way to solve this problem?

Hi Jason-
Thanks for your question. This is not an uncommon problem. There are several trains of thought on this issue but I will tell you what has worked for me. When an "adult" horse bites it is a form of aggression and intimidation, as you know since you notice it when he's not getting his way. You must react immediately- correction is only effective if it happens within 3 seconds of the transgression. Rather than back up when he bites or pull away you must step towards him- get in his face while saying in a loud, deep voice NO! I also smack them(not hard) on the neck or chest(not on the face which can make them head shy)at the same time. If you notice in herd behavior, if a horse bites another horse 1 of 2 things happen- the other horse backs off or runs away OR the dominant horse pins their ears, steps forward and either threatens or even bites the other horse back. I assume you don't want to bite your mini. :0) It may take several times but it will work. Just be consistent and don't back down. Hope this helps. Best, Toni