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shirt tails

21 10:30:22

Hi Tony,
I had been having issues with my miniature horse who is about 1 1/2 years old, and a stallion (will be gelded soon).  He had until about a week ago been an "only child"  and had many behavior issues such as biting,nipping etc.  Since the arrival of his playmate (a gelding) his behavior has gotten much better.  However, the one thing that I have notice he has been doing is taking my shirt tails or sleeves, whatever piece of clothing he can get and almost "suckles" on the ends.  It's not like chewing or biting, he just takes the article and holds it in his mouth.  He will be getting gelded next week, but I am wondering why he does this...If he were a baby, I would almost say he needed a "binkie".
Any ideas? Thanks! JoAnn

Hi JoAnn-
Thanks for your question. It could be a lot of things. What comes to mind is a couple things- it could be a mating/possesive thing but that generally involves nipping or biting or it is possible that he did it once and got such a reaction that he does it now to get your attention. I would see if it continues once he's gelded. Anyone else have an idea? Thanks and hope this helps, Toni